пренебречь, вальсируем
Buffy - это, как известно, очень феминистический сериал, несмотря на фейлы.
А еще в нем случаются СОВСЕМ феминистические серии. Как Checkpoint из 5 сезона. В которой Совет Наблюдателей (который откровенно символизирует патриархат в сериале) устраивает Баффи проверку, прежде чем дать информацию, необходимую для спасения мира (не идиотично ли это само по себе?)
Обожаю эту серию. Одна из лучших.

И вот пожалуйста - мета-пересказ этой серии с точки зрения феминистических смыслов.

Travers: We wanna see you fight so we can make fun of you.
Buffy: Do we have to?
Travers: Yes. We think girls look silly when they fight. We're also gonna interrogate everybody you know about how much you suck.
Buffy: You're kidding...
Travers: Don't forget your place, sweetie. We're the patriarchy Council. The establishment. We're always here, chilling, throwing our power around and building these disposable weapons - you - and then discarding them when they...you know...die. You're our instrument.
Giles: Dammit! My manly righteous anger is boiling at how you're speaking of my girl!
Travers: Hush now. I think the little lady is understanding me. Glory is a way better weapon than you are, but with our established power we can imbue you with the strength and info needed to kick her ass. But first you must submit to us fully and completely through this review thing.
Giles: You bearded toad-licker!
Buffy: Giles, calm down, okay? I'm a girl and, therefore, accustomed to being talked down to and overpowered in such a fashion. You get kinda used to it.
Travers: Damn right. And I wanna flash our power some more so let me threaten to close down the shop and deport Giles if you give me lip.
Buffy: What? You can't do that!
Travers: Oh, hell yes I can! Now I know you have a vagina and are not used to playing with the big kids, sweetie, but we're all grownups now, capishe?
(И дальше...)

@темы: .Buffy, *meta, $ feminism