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Pop Culture
How Lin-Manuel Miranda taught liberals to love Alexander Hamilton
Yeah, But is it Feminist: Welcome to Night Vale
What to do when you're not the hero any more
What Led to Lexa: A Look at the History of Media Burying Its Gays
Empathy and Megan Wallaby: Exploring One of Welcome to Night Vale’s Greatest Strengths
hamiltunes (side a) explained, hamiltunes (side b) explained
The Evolution of LGBT+ Representation in Dragon Age
Social Issues
The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems
This Is What It's Liked To Be Shamed For Having Vaginismus
This won't hurt a bit: the cultural history of pain
Why play games though? Just come out and say no, don’t seem to hard.
Your abusive partner doesn’t have a problem with HIS anger; he has a problem with YOUR anger.
Quality of Life Scale (for people with pain)
We're Overweight for the Same Reason We're in Debt
What is the evolutionary benefit or purpose of having periods?
What It’s Like To Date When You Can’t Have Sex
What it’s like to be that fat person sitting next to you on the plane
When You're in the Gray Area of Being Suicidal

How Lin-Manuel Miranda taught liberals to love Alexander Hamilton
Yeah, But is it Feminist: Welcome to Night Vale
What to do when you're not the hero any more
What Led to Lexa: A Look at the History of Media Burying Its Gays
Empathy and Megan Wallaby: Exploring One of Welcome to Night Vale’s Greatest Strengths
hamiltunes (side a) explained, hamiltunes (side b) explained
The Evolution of LGBT+ Representation in Dragon Age
Social Issues
The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems
This Is What It's Liked To Be Shamed For Having Vaginismus
This won't hurt a bit: the cultural history of pain
Why play games though? Just come out and say no, don’t seem to hard.
Your abusive partner doesn’t have a problem with HIS anger; he has a problem with YOUR anger.
Quality of Life Scale (for people with pain)
We're Overweight for the Same Reason We're in Debt
What is the evolutionary benefit or purpose of having periods?
What It’s Like To Date When You Can’t Have Sex
What it’s like to be that fat person sitting next to you on the plane
When You're in the Gray Area of Being Suicidal