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What is a representative sex worker?
The moment a man enlists in the United States armed forces, his chances of being sexually assaulted increase by a factor of ten.
New Study Finds That Sexually Abused Girls Get Prison, Not Help
america achieved gender equality 100 years ago with the vote
Сексизм в большой политике
A young women won over two biggest baseball names of her time. After that, women were prohibited from baseball.
Stephen Colbert Hilariously Explains Why Women Should Run the World in 'Glamour' Op-Ed
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I like how Bethesda manages to be more progressive than most of the games industry by doing as little work as possible.
Thanks to 3-D Printing, the Visually Impaired Could Finally Experience Famous Art
The Elf on the Shelf is preparing your child to live in a future police state, professor warns

So you’ve probably heard about Adoribull for a while now.
Thomas and Martha

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Nautilus Shell. Laser Cut Steel
Serge Marshennikov
Hiroshi Yoshida
The Al Bahar Towers in Abu Dhabi
People Are Decorating Christmas Trees with Flowers
О, эта дискуссия в комментариях. Я там отметилась тогда. 2011 год, и я до сих пор помню, как меня от нее трясло. И почему я ушла от любых этих разговоров в коце концов, так как никаких сил на это не хватает.
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